10+2 or equivalent examination with minimum of 45% marks
Paper-No. | Subject |
Paper-1 | BSC-fashion-designing |
Paper-2 | Concept of Fashion |
Paper-3 | Basics of Sewing-I |
Paper-4 | Basics of Computers |
Paper-5 | Fibre to Fabric |
Paper-6 | Communication Skills in English -I |
Paper-7 | *Punjab History & Culture (From Earliest Times to C 320) |
Paper-No. | Subject |
Paper-1 | Traditional Textiles |
Paper-2 | Fabric Construction |
Paper-3 | Basics of Sewing-Il |
Paper-4 | Basics of Computers |
Paper-5 | Communication Skills in English-|| |
Paper-6 | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਲਾਜ਼ਮੀ-I OR ਮੁੱਢਲੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ-I OR *Punjab History & Culture (C. 320 to 1000 B. C) |
Paper-7 | *Drug Abuse: Problem, Management and Prevention (Compulsory) |
Paper-8 | Industrial Visits at least two units and submission of report=20 Seminar on any topic from theory course =30 considered as External Examination (Practical) (20 + 30) |
Paper-No. | Subject |
Paper-1 | Fashion Design and Illustration |
Paper-2 | Colour Concepts & Colouration |
Paper-3 | Pattern Making & Garment Construction |
Paper-4 | Needle Craft |
Paper-5 | Knitting Technology |
Paper-No. | Subject |
Paper-1 | Fashion Design and Illustration (CAD) |
Paper-2 | History of Costumes |
Paper-3 | Garment Construction & Draping |
Paper-4 | Fashion Illustration & Appreciation |
Paper-5 | Pattern and Maker Making on Computer |
Paper-6 | *ESL-221 : Environmental Studies (Compulsory) |
Paper-No. | Subject |
Paper-1 | Fashion Illustration and Appreciation |
Paper-2 | Draping, Pattern Making and Construction |
Paper-3 | CAD (Computer Aided Design) |
Paper-4 | Internship for Design and Construction of garments |
Paper-5 | Leather Technology |
Paper-No. | Subject |
Paper-1 | Fashion Illustration and Appreciation |
Paper-2 | Pattern Making and Construction |
Paper-3 | Computer Aided Design |
Paper-4 | Survey and Project Report |
Paper-5 | Fashion industry, Marketing and Management |