45% marks in that particular subject at Graduation level or must have obtained 50% marks in aggregate.
Paper | Subject |
1 | Political Processes and Structures in India up to A.D 1200 |
2 | Any one of the following options:- (Opt. a): Society and Culture in India A.D 1200 (Opt. b): Polity and Economy of India (A.D 1200-1526) |
3 | Polity and Economy of India (A.D. 1526-1750) |
4 | Political Ideas and Institutions in India (A.D 1757-1947) |
5 | History of the Punjab (A.D. 1450-1708) |
Paper | Subject |
1 | Urban and Agrarian Economy in India up to A.D.1200 |
2 | Any one of the following options:- (Opt. a): Society and Culture of India (A.D. 1200-1750) (Opt. b) : Art, Architecture & Literature of India (A.D. 1200-1750) |
3 | Any one of the following options:- (Opt a): Eighteenth Century Punjab (Opt b): Polity, Economy and Society in the Punjab (A.D. 1799-1849) |
4 | Modern World: Major Trends(A.D. 1500-1900) |
5 | Economic History of Modern India(A.D. 1757-1857) |
Paper | Subject |
1 | Any one of the following options:- (Opt a): Socio- Cultural History of India (A.D. 1757-1857) (Opt b): Socio- Cultural History of India (A.D. 1858-1947) |
2 | Emergence of Indian Nationalism (A.D. 1857-1919) |
3 | Punjab under Colonial Rule (A.D. 1849-1947) |
4 | Twentieth Century World (A.D. 1901-2000) |
5 | Historical Thought and Historiography |
Paper | Subject |
1 | Economic History of Modern India(A.D. 1858-1947) |
2 | The National Movement (A.D. 1920-1947) |
3 | Any one of the following options:- (Opt. a): Contemporary India (A.D. 1947-2013) (Opt. b): Contemporary Punjab |
4 | Indian Historiography |
5 | Any one of the following options: (Opt. a): History of Ideas (Opt. b): Science and Technology: Colonial India (Opt. c): Women in Modern India (A.D. 1858-1947) |