Every member must enter/scan their library ID Card/Roll Number on the IN-OUT Management System while entery and exit from the Library.
Members must show their ID- Card on entering the Library, while borrowing books and journals at any time if asked to do so by the Library Staff.
On the loss of library cum Identity Card, a fine of Rs. 100/ shall be charged before replacing them.
Bags and other personal belongings must be deposited at the entrance.
At the end of the session, each student is required to deposit his/her identity card.
Newspapers and magazines must be read only in the library on specific tables and should not be taken to any other reading areas.
No library material can be taken out of the library without permission.
Mobile phones must be kept in switch off /silent mode in the library.
The books may be retained by the students for a period of 15 days after which they must return or get re-issued on request of the students, but only when that book is not demanded by other students.
Reference books and Periodicals will not be issued from the library.
A fine of 1 Rupee per day, per book is charged if the book is not returned by the due date.
If a student loses, defaces or damages a book, he/she shall be liable to pay the cost of it or replace the book along with the late return fine, if any.
Every student is required to check the books properly before getting it issued. Once the book is issued, the responsibility of damaged pages shall be of the student only.
If a student disturbs the peaceful atmosphere of the library, the librarian has the discretion to ask the student to leave the library.
Each user at a stretch is allowed only for one hour for computer use in Digital Library.
Use of secondary storage devices are not allowed without prior permission.
Do not change any of the computer configurations
Do not download/install any software from any website.
Internet and intranet access is limited to academic pursuit.
Access to Face Book, Google talks and online chatting etc. are not allowed in the Digital Library.
In case of any computer operational or access problem, report to the Librarian.